Savings & Investments

Saving and investing mean different things to different people. A savings to one person may be considered an investment to another. Generally, saving refers to putting aside a sum of capital or cash that remains constant while earning a low, guaranteed rate of interest. Investing refers to putting capital where it can increase or decrease in value, but where neither interest nor dividends are guaranteed.

If you’re planning for the future, putting insurance and investments together could make a lot of sense. You can invest in a wide range of mutual funds and adjust your asset mix as your personal circumstances and risk appetite change.

Mosaic Global intelligently studies economic and investment research, allowing to create savings and investment allocations designed to maximize after-tax, after-fee returns, depending on the risk tolerance of each client.

Diversify your assets

If you have all of your assets in one basket, you are at great risk if you drop that basket. Combat the problem by finding a lot of baskets – interesting baskets – in which to put your eggs. Avoid market timing: Investors tend to follow trends, getting excited when something is going up and piling on just in time for a collapse.

Keep fees to a minimum

In a single-digit return environment, fees can represent a meaningful part of the investment returns. At Mosaic Global, we ensure that each of our clients benefit from the lowest fees available.

Pursue active management only in those markets where there is great opportunity

It is difficult to beat the market by very much or for very long. In the vast majority of cases, the tax and management of active management exceed the benefits in low-opportunity markets. Mosaic Global pursues investments in markets that show great promise within the client’s level of risk-tolerance.

additional services

We offer the following business services:

We offer the following wealth solutions: